Preparing to Thrive in Motherhood

Becoming a mom can trigger depression and anxiety

Did you know that nearly 20% of all women experience anxiety or depression in the transition to motherhood? (A number that goes up considerably if you include those with elevated symptoms, but who don’t have full blown depression or anxiety.)

That’s a real problem, because:

  • Mom’s well-being: Depression and anxiety make the transition to motherhood heavier than it needs to be - and that’s not fair to mom.

  • Family’s well-being: When a mom struggles, her family struggles. Mom will have a harder time connecting with loved ones and accessing support and more difficulty bonding with her baby - which in turn impacts the baby’s development.

  • Costs for society: Each case of postpartum depression is estimated to cost of $125, 000 (CAD) over the woman’s lifetime, including direct healthcare costs, lost productivity and more.

  • Lack of access to care: Only 15% of those affected are able to access evidence-based treatment.

Depression and anxiety are preventable

Research shows that the right supports can prevent postpartum anxiety and depression by up to 50%.

Creating Me is partnering with the following amazing partners to develop Candid Conversations about Thriving in Motherhood - an evidence-informed program to help women prevent postpartum mood disorders:

  • Laura Glenney, Registered Psychotherapist and owner of Journey Well Health & Wellness

  • Jesmilavathani Murusalin, Registered Nurse and Masters of Public Health

Collaborative development and delivery

Our team believes in the power of collaboration. We’re working closely with researchers, therapists and local community organizations to develop and deliver this program, so that the program:

  • Is built on the best expertise available.

  • Reflects the needs of women in Southwestern, Ontario.

  • Fills an existing gap in the local maternal support system.

  • Can connect participants with other local resources they may need - a ‘no wrong door’ philosophy.

Our partners

We are deeply grateful for our partners, including the Guidance Committee, who meet regularly to guide program development and delivery, as well as invited technical experts, who offer as-needed advice.

Guidance Committee

Technical Experts

  • Christine Bondy, Registered Social Worker, Journey Well Health and Wellness

  • Nada Slager, Registered Psychotherapist, Journey Well Health and Wellness