Time Management for Moms
Many of the moms I support struggle to manage time effectively.
Time management trouble stems partially from external factors (you never know when the kids are going to refuse to get dressed for school.) But it also stems from ineffective time management strategies.
Time management doesn’t have to be complicated. In fact, it works best when it’s simple. This blog distills time management down to the very simplest advice I can offer.
Setting Healthy Boundaries
What should you do when someone in your world is violating your core values? Hurting you? Pulling your life in directions you don’t want it to go?
In this blog, learn the 5 ground rules for setting healthy boundaries in your adult relationships.
Staying Calm with Difficult People
Do you have someone in your life who makes you feel negatively? It’s kinda like they hijack your feelings and behaviour, turning you into someone you don’t want to be.
In this blog, you’ll learn exactly how to take back your emotional freedom from that difficult person - so you can be exactly who you want to be, regardless of what they’re doing.
We love and hate ‘good mom’ stereotypes
Research suggests that many working moms accept that they will contribute more to household responsibilities than their partners, while also building their career. Doing so both exhausts them, but also gives them a sense of pride.
In this blog, we explore how social norms affect our actions, and I suggest that to be free to live authentically, we have to be willing to give up the pride we feel in living in alignment with the norm.
Releasing Anxiety
Anxiety is part of the human experience. There’s nothing wrong with you for experiencing it.
It’s also something that won’t go away if you ignore it. This blog describes a 3-step process for letting your anxiety in, and finding calm on the other side.
Feeling Lost After Having Kids
When we have kids, our pre-baby identity crumbles - and it hurts. Our old activities and priorities slip away and we’re left having to re-define ourselves as parents.
Some moms end up defining themselves very closely with their kids. Other moms maintain a strong individual identity. Where we land on this spectrum matters, because it affects our emotional well-being and how effectively we can parent.
In this blog, you’ll learn what the research says on how to re-build your identity in a healthy, balanced way.
Achieving Impossible Goals
The reason we don’t want to do hard things is because we think we might fail. We’re either afraid of failing and what it might mean about us (that we’re a failure), or we’re afraid of how hard the journey will be.
When we live in that fear, we never even start. We FAIL AHEAD OF TIME. We don’t even allow ourselves the possibility of trying and succeeding.
But what if you told yourself: “Yep, this is probably impossible. If I try, there’s a good chance I’ll fail.” If you accepted the possibility of failure, could you stop fearing it a little?
When Confidence is Shaky
Here’s the challenge with pursuing a new goal: (1) Confidence makes it easier. (2) Confidence doesn’t come naturally until you’ve already succeeded. (And then, who needs the confidence, because you’ve already achieved your goal!)
If you’re starting towards a bold new goal, this blog will show you how to stay strong when your confidence is shakey.
Make Your Own Parenting Compass
Do you ever doubt your parenting choices? Do you compare yourself to others and use the differences as a reason to question yourself?
What if you decided, on purpose, how you wanted to raise your kids and used that to guide your decisions? This blog describes how to make a DIY parenting compass that will help you make even the toughest choices. And when you make decisions according to your compass, you can feel good about them even if the moms at playgroup do things differently.
Why Kids Misbehave and How to Stop It
Do you ever wonder why your child behaves like such a jerk sometimes? The whining? The power struggles? The defiance?
The answer is actually simpler than you think. This blog explains the two root causes of all misbehaviours and offers a simple strategy you can use to reduce the behaviours and start enjoying your children.
How to Feel Better
Learn why you’re feeling so down and how to change it - from the inside, out.